I won't be in the AC, unfortunately. Yesterday I was discussing with
some people about using CAT in OS projects, and tools like omegat, and
specially formats like TMX came to mind.

One of the problems with manuals is that translating them (as an
ongoing, changing work) becomes a lot of effort. If we could embed
together all the local versions in an exchange format, the effort of
tracking changes in the "original", etc. would be smaller.

So, taking a look into tools, and specially formats, for CAT, could
pay a lot in the mmedium to long term.

I'll try to keep involved in this discussion, even though I won't be
physically there.

my 2ยข (Euro cents, for those i18n handicapped)

On 10/3/06, Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/2/06, Jean T. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been holding onto posts with good fodder for the incubator site,
> but haven't had time to incorporate them yet.
> I'll be at the hackathon on Tuesday Oct 10. Is anyone else up for a
> docathon? (Or did I miss a post already suggesting one? *chagrin*)

My Tuesday is a bit booked ATM, but I'm game to try to squeeze in help on
docs as my schedule permits.  -- justin

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