On 9/27/06, Upayavira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bozhong Lin wrote:
> Hi,
> As I previously posted email on cxf-dev, I am very keen in contributing
> to CeltiXfire release management and other project management related
> stuff. From the Apache release process document [1], I am not sure what
> qualification/requirements it takes to get the release management job done:

we tend to talk about knowledge and karma rather than qualifications
and requirements. knowledge is much more important that karma. karma
can be granted by a project. knowledge takes energy to aquire.

release management at apache is an informal role. details are left to
the project to organise themselves. at it's most minimal, it's just
the name infrastructure folks give to the apache user who uploaded and
signed the release. so, the minimum requirement for this is project

creating a good apache release requires knowledge, energy and
organisation. most projects find that the release process works better
if they elect a release manager who knows (or is willing to learn) how
to create apache releases to organise and push the release forward.
there is no requirement that this role is filled by someone with the
karma required to execute the upload (the technical release manager)
though in the vast majority of cases it will be.

> 1. Does it require SVN commit right? #

to perform the actual cut and upload, yes

to perform the social and organisational management side of a release
required to prepare a release not necessarily but typically. it is a
matter for the project but it is very rare for a non-committer to act
as release manager.

> I don't have CXF commit right yet
> (working toward it :-), would this be a problem?

depends on the attitiude of the project.

the preparation can be done through submitting patches for the
existing committers to apply. management is done on the mailing list.
if the CXF community really want you to manage the release, it would
be possible to make it work.

> 2. Does it require some one to be on PPMC?

not necessarily but typically. it is easier to cut a release when on the PMC.

IMHO anyone who cuts a good release deserves to be on the PMC

> 3. Signing release. According to my knowledge, ASF needs to meet
> in-person whoever will be signing release. I am willing to make the trip
> meet ASF person in US.

the only requirement is that a signature is created by the committer
who makes the upload. a good connection to the web of trust is
important and offers stronger security but is only strongly

> I hope I can contribute to CeltiXfire release management without commit
> access and without being on PPMC. If for some reason that I am not
> qualified to contribute fully, then I will try to contribute as much as
> possible.

In my view, this is up to the PPMC for Celtixfire.


Basically, doing a release is the central responsibility of the PPMC,
and they cannot delegate the decision to someone outside of itself. Nor
can they delegate the work of signing the release (that to my mind
wouldn't make sense, as the PPMC is vouching for its integrity).

IMHO a PMC would need to consider why a person they trust to create a
release is not trusted to make binding decisions. however, a PPMC is a
little different. the PPMC takes a while to bootstrap and it may make
little sense to wait until it has.

However, if those on the PPMC wanted some help with the actual process
of preparing the release - testing, building, etc, that is up to those
PPMC members, and maybe there is some way you can help there.

the preparatory work can definitely be done by anyone: just find out
what needs doing and start patching.

the social management could also be done by anyone with access to the
mailing lists who knows how to cut apache releases provided that the
development community are happy for someone who is not a committer to
take the lead.

- robert

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