On Jul 29, 2006, at 7:12 PM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
AIUI, the concern raised by Noel was that Maven never indicates the
artifact version number.  Therefore, even if it had 'incubating' in
there somewhere, it wouldn't matter as no one would know it was under

I guess I am with Jukka on that. From my limited Maven experience (correct me if I am wrong), Maven 2 is very explicit about versions. You have to specify it at least in the parent POM of the project:


The only case I can think of where you don't set an explicit version is when you get a dependency indirectly (as a dependency of another dependency). Still the files ("artifacts") you end up downloading as a result will have "incubating" in the file name, and the folder name of the local repository.

In this later case if a user doesn't pay attention (s)he will not be aware that something was downloaded from Apache at all (incubating or otherwise); if (s)he does - "incubating" label is clearly visible.


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