James Strachan wrote:
On 7/19/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ian Holsman wrote:
Blaze is about only AMQP, a proposed standard for interoperable messaging. ActiveMQ implements multiple protocols. There is some disagreement between
AMQP proponents and the ActiveMQ team regarding the desirability of
balkanizing messaging protocols.
I'd maybe rephrase that a little; AMQP proponents see AMQP as 'the one
protocol to bind them all' whereas the ActiveMQ team are pretty
flexible on protocols, we prefer to let users decide to use whatever
protocol makes sense for their requirements so we support several
(REST, Ajax, XML, WS-Notififaction, Jabber (never quite finished that
one), Stomp, OpenWire) and hopefully one day AMQP too.

Responding here as an individual, rather than on behalf of all AMQP proponents (and I don't think I would describe myself with that label!), I certainly don't see AMQP as the one protocol to bind them all. I agree with you entirely that the protocol should be selected based on the needs of the system being built. AMQP aims to add a protocol designed for message-oriented-middleware to the set from which that choice can be made, where currently all too often it is a product that dictates the protocol.
It is useful to hide various protocols behind a common API, but it is 
also useful to be able to implement various APIs using a common 
protocol. Both approaches give the user more freedom in their choice and 
more options for integration and interoperability.

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