Cool overall.  Would it be possible to detail the affiliations of the
(relatively large) initial committers, so that we can tell how homo-
or heterogeneous that community is at the moment?


On 6/20/06, Sakala, Adinarayana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Below is a project proposal for incubation consideration.
The project welcomes your feedback as well as interest in involvement.
This proposal is also located online at 

== CeltiXfire Proposal ==

Project CeltiXfire is a SOA infrastructure framework focused on implementation 
of JCP and web service standards while also providing extensibility for legacy 
integration. It is a merge of two matured open source projects and communities, 
ObjectWeb Celtix (http://celtix.objectweb.org) and Codehaus Xfire 
(http://xfire.codehaus.org). It will implement the JAX-WS, JAX-WSA, and JSR-181 
standards. Core to this is support for web service standards like SOAP 1.1, 
SOAP 1.2, WS-I BasicProfile, WS-Security, WS-Addressing, WS-RM, and WS-Policy. 
This project will support several programming models like JAX-WS, JBI 
(ServiceMix), SCA (Tuscany), and CORBA services (Yoko).  We will leverage open 
source components wherever possible, for example we intend to use WSS4J for 
ws-security from the Apache Web Services project. One goal of this project is 
to provide public APIs that match the JSR standards. Furthermore, the scope of 
this project is to provide SOA infrastructure for both modern web services and 
for legacy systems. The seed code has been designed to provide a pluggable 
architecture to support both XML and non-XML type bindings in combination with 
any type of transport. For example, Celtix is in the process of being extended 
to provide a CORBA binding as part of the Apache Yoko project (in incubation). 
Additional examples of non-XML bindings that could be supported in the future 
include fixed length record bindings, which are critical to integrating 
mainframe systems into a SOA. The current infrastructure code is designed for 
flexible deployment in a variety of containers including JBI, J2EE, SCA and 
servlet containers.

== Rationale ==
The project is interested in moving to Apache for the following reasons: To 
provide Apache-licensed implementations of the relevant web service JSR 
standards: JAX-WS, JAX-WSA, JSR-181, and JSR-265 standards and to test those 
implementations with the applicable JSR TCKs, to become better integrated with 
the Geronimo, Harmony, ServiceMix, Tuscany, Yoko and Apache Web Services 
communities, and to build a strong vendor-neutral community that will outlast 
any one person's or company's participation.

== Meritocracy ==
The Codehaus Xfire and ObjectWeb Celtix projects have fostered a development 
community based around meritocracy. Many of the committers already work on 
other Apache projects and understand the Apache way. The individuals understand 
that they are responsible for the code, and that the community around the 
project will define the direction.

== Community ==
The CeltiXfire Community will bring together two already successful communities 
- Xfire and Celtix. Both projects have active users and contributors on the 
mailing lists.

== Core Developers ==
The CeltiXfire project's initial committers include a diverse set of 
individuals. Some of the individuals are employed by Envoi Solutions, IONA, 
BEA, LogicBlaze and Red Hat, and some are not funded by any particular employer.

== Alignment ==
CeltiXfire currently uses and integrates with many Apache projects but does not 
have hard dependencies on these (in alphabetical order):
 * ActiveMQ is used as the default JMS implementation.
 * Continuum: Apache Continuum currently uses XFire for its SOAP integration.
 * Harmony: Harmony is implementing Java 5.0 and requires support for many of 
the JSR that CeltiXfire will provide.
 * Jakarta Commons HttpClient can be used for the HTTP client transport.
 * Geronimo: Celtix already provides Geronimo integration. CeltiXfire will 
continue this effort and will be made available so that Geronimo could use 
CeltiXfire as its JAX-WS implementation for JEE.
 * ServiceMix: Codehaus XFire is currently used within ServiceMix to provide 
web service integration. Celtix provides its own JBI integration for ServiceMix 
as well, although JBI is an option and not a requirement for Celtix 
 * Maven 2: Celtix and Xfire already provide Maven 2 plug-ins for invoking the 
Celtix and Xfire tooling.
 * Tuscany: Celtix is already integrated with Tuscany.
 * WSS4J: CeltiXfire uses Apache WSS4J for WS-Security support.
 * XMLBeans is currently used as one of the data-binding options for CeltiXfire.
 * XmlSchema: CeltiXfire uses XmlSchema for many schema related functions 
 * Yoko: Celtix is already integrated with Yoko to provide support for exposing 
CORBA services as web services.

We are currently evaluating the use of other Apache projects as well like 
Woden, Neethi and JaxMe.

== Avoiding the Warning Signs ==

=== Orphaned products ===
CeltiXfire is a merging of two successful open source projects, ObjectWeb 
Celtix and Codehaus Xfire. Both have active communities and developers. 
CeltiXfire provides support for some important specifications to Java 
community, we expect that this project will continue to grow and develop within 
its own community, and be embraced by many other open source projects as well.

=== Inexperience with open source ===
The authors of the existing code have extensive experience with open source 
already.  The initial list of committers includes 9 Apache Committers.  They 
are involved in:
 * Apache Continuum
 * Apache Geronimo
 * Apache ServiceMix
 * Apache Tuscany
 * Apache Yoko

=== Homogeneous developers ===
The project's initial committers include individuals that are employed by a 
diverse set of companies, including Envoi Solutions, IONA, LogicBlaze, BEA and 
Red Hat.  About 2/3 of the initial committers are employed by IONA.  
Additionally the project has several committers whose work is not funded by any 
particular employer.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
Many of the developers are salaried, but they are spread out over several 
organizations. Several other developers are contributing to this project 
without any connection to an employer.

=== No ties to other Apache products ===
Both ObjectWeb Celtix and Codehaus Xfire currently use many Apache projects. These have 
been outlined in the "alignment" section.

=== A fascination with the Apache brand ===
While we expect the Apache brand may help attract more contributors, our 
interests in starting this project is based on the factors mentioned in the 
Rationale section.  However, we will be sensitive to inadvertent abuse of the 
Apache brand and will work with the Incubator PMC and the PRC to ensure the 
brand policies are respected.

=== Scope of Subprojects ===
No subprojects proposed.

== Initial Source ==
The Celtix codebase is owned by IONA. It is currently available under both EPL 
and LGPL licenses (http://celtix.objectweb.org). The applicable code will be 
relicensed under the Apache License 2.0. The Codehaus Xfire codebase is owned 
by Envoi Solutions LLC and is available under an MIT license 
(http://xfire.codehaus.org). The applicable code will be relicensed under the 
Apache Software License 2.0. The dependencies all have Apache compatible 
licenses. These include BSD, CDDL, CPL, MPL and MIT licensed dependencies.

== ASF Resources to be Created ==
 * Mailing lists
   * cxf-dev
   * cxf-user
   * cxf-commits
   * cxf-ppmc
 * SVN Repository https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/cxf
 * JIRA CeltiXfire (CeltiXfire)
 * Official Build Systems

== Initial Committers ==
 * Adi Sakala
 * Dan Diephouse
 * Guillaume Nodet
 * James Strachan
 * David Blevins
 * Peter Royal
 * Daniel Kulp
 * Balaji Ravi
 * Conrad O'Dea
 * Hani Suileman
 * Mika Goekel
 * Adam Kramer
 * Tomek Sztelak
 * Stuart Edmondston
 * Bozhong Lin
 * Jervis Liu
 * Julian Squires
 * James Mao
 * Jim Ma
 * Freeman Fang
 * Tom Li
 * Willem Jiang
 * Andrea Smyth
 * Eoghan Glynn
 * Debbie Moynihan
 * Ajay Paibir
 * Ulhas Bhole
 * Sean O'Callaghan
 * Peter Jones
 * Eric Johnson
 * Brian Zotter
 * Mark Little

== Sponsor ==
We kindly request the Incubator PMC to accept sponsorship for this proposal.

== Champion ==
Jason Van Zyl

== Mentors ==
 * Jason Van Zyl
 * Jim Jagielski
 * James Strachan

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Yoav Shapira
Nimalex LLC
1 Mifflin Place, Suite 310
Cambridge, MA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / www.yoavshapira.com

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