On Jun 2, 2006, at 10:33 AM, Reddy, Venkat wrote:

Hello all,

I work for CA (formerly called as Computer Associates), and currently
I'm a committer on couple of apache projects in the web services area.
This is regarding donating JXplorer, a CA product, to Apache Directory
project as wished by both CA and the ApacheDS developer community.

but not
donating code to existing projects. I might be wrong here. Currently CA
does not have an ASF member for nominating an incubation candidate and
I'm not sure how to go about it without having a PMC member at CA. The
other option seems to be getting approval from the PMC for the ApacheDS project. I couldn't get the contact for PMC for the ApacheDS project. I
suppose it is Alex.

Yes, all incoming code needs to come in via the Incubator,
even if it's just to ensure adequate IP clearance. All it
would need is the Software Grant agreement, signed by CA,
for the code. The Incubator would approve that, and the
Directory PMC can then import the code.

Alex is the Directory PMC chair.

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