+1 from me.

On 6/1/06, Paul Fremantle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
+1 from me.


On 6/1/06, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This proposal seems to have generated a lot of geniune interest, so now
> I'm calling for a vote for the Incubator to formally accept it.
> A few editorial comments: at this point, I have little doubt that this
> codebase will attract a diverse and sustainable community.  My concern
> is now the reverse: seeing talks of Rome join in and there being talk of
> these two merging with Roller... seems both very exciting... as well a
> bit premature.
> In my mind, the best way to find out what shape the community will take
> is to watch it incubate.  Therefore, I'd like to explicitly propose that
> we neither predetermine nor rule out any possible destination for this.
>  It could become a TLP.  It could merge with Rome and/or other feed
> libraries, if they get proposed to the ASF.  It could all get subsumed
> into Roller.  My initial concerns are, respectively, critical mass,
> potentially divergent goals, and Umbrella -- each, of course, could be
> addressed/mitigated, that's why I am recommendating that we defer this
> decision until we have had a chance to observe the community.  (Note:
> this is not a new idea, I've suggested it on number of occasions before).
> With all that said, here's my
>   +1
> - Sam Ruby
>  - - -
> From http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AbderaProposal :
> ## page was renamed from AriProposal
> = Abdera, an Atom Implementation Proposal =
> == 0. Rationale ==
> The fundamental goal of the project is to provide a high-quality and
> functionally-complete implementation of the Atom Syndication Format
> (RFC4287) and the Atom Publishing Protocol specifications published by
> the IETF Atompub working group.
> (the ancient city of Abdera, Thrace was the birthplace of the Greek
> Philosopher Democritus, one of the
> [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democritus co-originators of "atomism"])
> == 0.1 Criteria ==
> === Meritocracy: ===
> Apache was chosen for an incubator for the guidance the community can
> provide.
> === Community: ===
> The contributed work was inspired by open source development and by the
> need to have functionally complete implementations of the Atom
> specifications available for developers to use.  To be successful, the
> project needs to build a strong and diverse community to validate its
> mission and carry it forward. Further, the project needs to be guided by
> the same general principles of open and transparent development that has
> helped to shape the standards upon which the project is based.
> === Core Developers: ===
> The initial committers for the project are employees of the donating
> company. Two of the developers have worked on open source projects
> before and have experience with and a deep understanding of open source
> principles.
> === Alignment: ===
> The initial code has been implemented in Java and is based primarily on
> the same Apache Axiom / StAX XML parsing API that underpins the Apache
> Axis2 project.  As such, the implementations draws heavily on the work
> of other existing Apache projects and will continue to do so.
> == 0.2 Warning signs ==
> === Orphaned products: ===
> The initial committers are users of this toolkit and have a long-term
> interest in use and maintenance of the code.
> === Inexperience with open source: ===
> Several of the commiters are very experienced in Open Source
> environment. All efforts have and will be made to ensure that the work
> done and momentum will be in strict adherence to open source guidelines.
> === Homogenous developers: ===
> As noted above, the initial list of developers consists of paid
> employees of the donating company.  However, efforts will be made to
> actively expand the team of developers committing to the project.
> The current list of committers bring with them a broad range of
> experiences with open source, standards, emerging technologies, and
> product development.
> === Reliance on salaried developers: ===
> The initial set of committers are salaried developers. Through the
> incubation process, more diversity will hopefully be achieved in many
> aspects, including reliance on salaried developers.
> === No ties to other Apache products: ===
> The initial codebase relies heavily on existing Apache technologies and
> will continue to do so.
> === A fascination with the Apache brand: ===
> The committers are intent on developing a strong open source community.
> We believe that the Apache Software Foundation's emphasis on community
> development makes it the most suitable choice.
> == 1. Scope of the subprojects ==
> The initial scope of the project will be the development of a
> functionally-complete Java-language implementation of the Atom
> Syndication Format and Atom Publishing Protocol specifications, along
> with a selection of extensions and utility functions.  It is expected,
> however, that C/C++ and possibly other language implementations will be
> explored in the future.
> The Atom Syndication Format implementation will include a
> high-performance parser and serializer for Atom documents, a set of
> API's for working with the Atom data model, support for a variety of
> extensions to the Atom format, and support for various advanced features
> such as XPath, XML Digital Signatures, Feed paging, etc.
> The Atom Publishing Protocol implementation will include both client and
> server implementations designed with the dual purpose of demonstrating
> the proper function of the protocol and providing the tools necessary to
> build and deploy Atom Publishing-based applications.
> == 2. Initial source ==
> The initial source for the project was originally written to address the
> needs of the donating company's own internal Atom development
> activities.  A snapshot of the initial source is available at
> http://www.snellspace.com/public/abdera.tar.gz.
> == 2.1 External Dependencies of the project ==
> The current implemenation depends on the following components:
>  * Apache Axiom 1.0
>  * StAX XML API's
>  * The Woodstox XML Parser
>  * Java Activation Framework (JAF) and JavaMail API
>  * Jaxen (optional for XPath support)
>  * Junit (for unit testing)
>  * Apache Ant (for the build)
> == 3. Identify the ASF resources to be created ==
> == 3.1 mailing list(s) ==
>  * abdera-ppmc (moderated subscriptions)
>  * abdera-dev
>  * abdera-commits
>  * abdera-user
> == 3.2 Subversion repository ==
>  * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/abdera
> == 3.3 Bugzilla ==
>  * Abdera
> == 4. Identify the initial set of committers: ==
>  * James M Snell (IBM)
>  * Sam Ruby (IBM)
>  * Robert Yates (IBM)
> == 5. Identify Apache sponsoring individual ==
> We request that the Apache Incubator PMC sponsor the Abdera Atom
> implementation as an incubating project.
> Champion: Sam Ruby
> Mentors:
>  * Garrett Rooney
>  * Paul Querna
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Paul Fremantle
VP/Technology, WSO2 and OASIS WS-RX TC Co-chair


"Oxygenating the Web Service Platform", www.wso2.com

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