The project will consist of three distinct components

a. An Atom parser/serializer.  This is the Axiom-based code that is
available in the tar referenced by the proposal

b. An Atom Publishing Protocol Client... likely taking the form of a set
of utility/helper objects based on the Commons HttpClient

c. An Atom Publishing Protocol Server... likely taking the form of a set
of interfaces and utility objects intended to allow any application to
provide an "atom interface".

Ultimately, I would also like to see an "Atom store" developed.  The
Atom store is a data persistent layer built around the Atom data model
and publishing protocol.

- James

Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
> Hi James,
> (Greetings; hope u r doing well :))
> How far does this project intend to go in implemention Atom? Is it a
> client side only, a tool to support Atom generation from some other app,
> APP, etc. etc.?
> (Sorry if this is an obvious answer question; I'm not an Atom expert at
> all.)
> Thanks,
> Sanjiva.
> On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 16:47 -0700, James M Snell wrote:
>> Ok, so here are a few of the name options that seem to be the safest (in
>> no particular order)
>> Iaea          (adapted, of course, from the U.N. nuclear watchdog group)
>> Anu           (Dims suggestion, sanskrit for "atom")
>> Atomico       (Spanish/Italian for "atomic")
>> Dalton        (Suggested by Robert B. Donkin)
>> Abdera        (birthplace of the philosopher Demokritos)
>> I think any of these would work.
>> - James
>> Yoav Shapira wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 5/24/06, James M Snell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Ok, it was worth a shot.  I've been stewing over possible name
>>>> selections for a couple days and can't seem to come up with any strong
>>>> possibilities.
>>> Why not take the stuff that's been suggested so far (there have been
>>> 10+ ideas, no?), put it to a vote here, and take the resulting name so
>>> the project can move along?  If the committers on the project *really*
>>> dislike it later, they may change it.
>>> Or do you mean that you want to pick something yourself and don't want
>>> a community-chosen name?  (I don't really care, I'm just curious to
>>> see if I misinterpreted your original call for names)
>>> Yoav
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