Based on the following votes (five of which were cast by PMC members), the XAP proposal has been accepted for incubation under the sponsorship of the Incubator PMC.

+1 Davanum Srinivas
+1 Noel J. Bergman
+1 Craeg Strong
+1 Henri Yandell
+1 Susan Wu
+1 Craig L Russell
+1 Sanjiva Weerawarana
+1 Jim Jagielski

As one of the project's mentors, I'll make the infrastructure requests and ensure all committers and corporate contributors get their CLAs in. I'll also send a follow-up note to this list when the project mailing lists are set up, so that those interested can subscribe.


On May 18, 2006, at 10:20 AM, Cliff Schmidt wrote:

Since this project was proposed a couple weeks ago, it now has a
champion, three mentors, and has further diversified its initial
committership.  Additional details about the project have been
discussed on this list, and I don't believe there are any unresolved

Therefore, as the champion of this project, I am calling a vote.  As
usual, the binding votes will be those case by Incubator PMC members
(since the project is requesting sponsorship from the Incubator PMC);
however all participants on this list are encouraged to vote if they
have a strong feeling one way or another.

The traditional 72-hour voting period would end in the middle of the
weekend; so I'll propose extending that by an additional day, with the
vote closing on Monday May 22, 2006 18:00 UTC (see month=5&day=22&year=2006&hour=18&min=0&sec=0&p1=0)

Please vote on the XAP proposal (rev 12 on the wiki and copied below).

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