Raphaël Luta wrote:
> Before voting, I just have one (set of) question:
> Where's the source code ?
> Does it actually exist as a standalone, downloadable entity ?
> Is it possible to assess its current status before voting ?

[Coach Wei] 
We are still a few days away from completing our due diligence process on the 
initial code base before being able to license it all under the 
Apache-compatible License.  Once this process finishes up, we will be able to 
make the code available (or check it in to svn if the proposal is approved).  I 
wish this process would have already been done by now, but it's important to us 
to be 100% certain that there are no surprises with the IP.

I was under the impression that a review of the code base was not a requirement 
for incubation, especially since the code base could significantly change as 
soon as others are involved with it -- remember, this isn't about keeping the 
code the way it is now -- it's about using it as a jumping off point for 
whatever is the best cross-browser, declarative Ajax framework we all can come 
up with.

However, if I was wrong about that, I'll understand if the vote needs to wait 
until the due diligence is completed.  In any case, I can provide anyone 
whatever details they would like about the shape of the code base now.  For 
instance, the project currently consists of about 8000 to 10000 lines of 
Javascript, a few thousand lines of unit tests, plus over 10000 lines of 
library files.

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