Leo Simons wrote:
On Sat, May 13, 2006 at 09:02:42PM -0400, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
When a PPMC decides to vote, it should post a note to the Incubator PMC to
let the PMC as a whole know about the vote.

This is new to me. You mean before the vote, after the vote, before results are
announced, after it, or is taking care of this with a CC on the request of the
creation of an account enough?

(with harmony we seem to have consistently had enough incubator PMC members
active on the PPMC list to get enough binding +1s, and I think we haven't really
felt a need to "bubble up" to the PMC list, since pretty much the only thing 
happens on the PPMC list is about bringing in new committers anyway, so PMC 
could just subscribe to harmony-ppmc...)

That was my understanding of the mechanism as well - that some number of IPMC members had to be on the ppmc which made the actions there legal.

IIRC, we also tend to post summaries back to the PMC when done...


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