
I am the lead developer for CLucene, an open source search engine
based on Apache Lucene. We recently fixed some of our licensing issues
we were having (code that wasn't license-incompatible) and are trying
comply properly with all our licensing. We have been invited to apply
for incubation at Apache, but before applying, I would like to
straighten out the licensing issues that we currently have.

For historical reasons, CLucene is dual licensed as Apache 2.0 license
or LGPL. As I understand it, the apache license is currently is not
compatible with GPL projects and therefore GPL projects can't
distribute apache licensed software, so we would like to maintain the
LGPL license as well.

Our main issues, i believe, are what headers to put on our software,
and what notices to include in the distributions.

We were thinking something like this at the top of each source code page:

Copyright (C) 2003-2006 The Apache Software Foundation

Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or the
GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.

There are a few other issues, i guess, that we need to straighten out.
Can someone please give me some guidance with this?

Kind regards,

Ben van KLinken

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