On Monday 17 April 2006 06:38, Noel J. Bergman wrote: > Yes. Sun is quite serious about proposing JINI to go through Incubation.
FWIW, This has been an on-going process for well over a year, when the switch to Apache license v2 was performed. I think we (Apache) can expect the discussion in the Jini community to take a while (looking at how long the license switch took in discussions), as there are many details we (Jini community) need to sort out prior to make a formal approach to the ASF. The "Jini Development Process" (JDP - which is the standards process) is one such issue to be sorted out, as well as the many Jini projects at jini.net. Jini arriving at Apache is IMHO great; The Jini team at Sun have tried many ways to make more people actively involved in the core development, and a few have dived in and well respected contributors, both in core as well as peripheral technologies. We can expect a handful of non-Sun people on the initial committer list, and generally a healthy community from the start. On behalf of the Jini Community; We are looking forward to work with the ASF and will post a proposal for the Incubator in due time. Thanks Niclas Hedhman --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]