On Sunday 19 February 2006 02:24, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> Sure, the entire PMC has a
> binding over over the entire Incubator, but no one can watch every project.
> So we need the Mentors to be active in the community.

IMHO, there should probably be a max number of concurrent projects that one 
can be a mentor for. This would lead to a whole set of derived effects;

 * Projects that turns inactive/dormant will be 'terminated' by the mentors,
   as they may want to help out other projects instead.

 * Potential Mentors may be a bit more selective and do more evaluation of the
   situation before accepting Mentorship.

 * As the most "active Mentors" get filled up, the circle of willing Mentors
   need to be expanded, and people putting together proposals have to actively
   persuade "fresh blood" to help out.

I have no opinion of "how many" is a good number.



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