On 24.01.2006, at 10:39, Steven Noels wrote:

On 23 Jan 2006, at 14:30, Sam Ruby wrote:

In addition, the Kabuki project will also include server-side infrastructure to facilitate the AJAX programming model.

In the current download (http://www.zimbra.com/community/ ajaxtk_download.html), all samples are designed to be shown only in the context of a JSP-enabled servlet container, even though the samples don't require one per se.

This is one of the reasons why I'm personally reluctant to get involved more deeply at this point in time (e.g. as a committer). It just smells too Java-specific for me at the moment and since I don't have the time to change that I'll just keep watching for now...

OTOH this is certainly not a valid argument against incubation and since I raised a -1 on the last proposal I'd like to express a +1 this time; the latest, substantially changed revision removed my concerns.


(I know the vote passed already, just for the record, I'm always late...)

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