David N. Welton wrote:
> [ changed subject to discuss topic more abstractly ]
> > I would agree with this if there was no immediate percieved benefit
> > when you are in Incubator, unfortunately it seems projects under
> > incubation are still perceived by the larger community as endorsed by
> > Apache.
> I think that the further away from something you get, the more vague
> your perceptions are.  For instance, there are a lot of people who still
> think that Apache == The Web Server.

Well, i am not a marketing person, but i know
that you are onto something important there.

A while ago i started helping to tidy up 
the top-level apache.org documentation 
(i.e. / and /foundation/ and /dev/).

I became alarmed at how much documentation was
still talking in terms of "Apache, the webserver"
where really it should now mean "The ASF".
Obviously not updated for a long time. 

Some of this has been addressed by referring
to "Apache HTTP Server" instead. However there
are plenty of extant misleading statements.


>  When seen from afar, I'd tend to
> agree that a move to "something.apache.org" is going to be noticed by
> most people who are not looking carefully as "project now associated
> with apache.org".
> This is a theory of mine that seems to be born out by talking with
> people, but it's not really an exact science.  What say the marketing folks?
> -- 
> David N. Welton
> - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/
> Linux, Open Source Consulting
> - http://www.dedasys.com/

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