Similarily, storing bugs and
issues information could be stored in SVN repository, all in human
text format. Yes, this takes a lot of time. Am I talking too ideally?

That's an interesting point. Issue tracking is another artifact that is not stored in SVN. Would it be useful to explore the justification for

Not really.  The most important fact is that we need tools that
best serve the purpose intended, whether that be issue tracking or
version control or website development.

Secondarily (though also critical to the ASF), we need to track
contributions of intellectual property.  That comes in two forms:
initial contributions, like new code or patches, and changes to
existing products in version control.  The most important bit of
tracking here is the act of contributing itself -- whether that be
in the form of a JIRA issue creation or a commit.  We need to track
both but there is no need to keep everything in subversion.  The
point is that what needs to be kept is the record of initial
contribution, which is why a non-authenticated wiki is evil.
We also need change notifications for anything published, since
that is how we achieve oversight.

Wherever possible, we should use the best tools for the job at hand.
But it is important to remember that we cannot use one system to
accept contributions and then throw it away -- we need to have those
logs/versions/notifications intact.


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