On 9/24/05, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Cliff Schmidt wrote: > > > As far as whether just the code goes through incubation or whether the > > whole community goes through incubation [if] the PMC believes that most > > of the key committers are new to Apache, then they should have the > > entire project incubated [but if the PMC] believes that their own > > community (current set of committers and contributors) can already > > support the code, then they should just incubate the code and add any > > outside committers through their normal meritocratic process. > > That sounds like a fairly accurate summation of what I believe to be the > consensus view.
So to repeat this to make sure I understand it correctly: 1) Key committers are new to Apache, then incubate (of which there are many examples) 2) Key committers are old Apache hats, then code can fly straight to the TLPs? What's the process for incubating code? Is it different if the code is from ASF committers and non ASF committers? Currently I have incubating code as meaning: 1) Get a Software Grant. May sound like a question I've been asking for a few months, but that's because although I know that the answer is to get the donater of code to sign a Software Grant, my contact has been on a long vacation so I'm kicking my heels :) Hen --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]