Ken expressed concern:

> The candidate is now in the position of being privately
> blessed but publicly vilified.

And this will differ how from an announcement that someone has been accepted
as a Committer, and people who did not participate in the private vote
expressing their views anyway?

> Or else a pro forma vote

As the author who initiated this use of the term pro forma, I am fine to
remove the adjective.  My thought was that if we've had the discussion in
private, the public vote really is pro-forma, since it would not have
occurred unless there were a consensus for the positive outcome.

Please note that the text did offer either approach as acceptable, and up to
each PMC, so I am not entirely sure of the real point of contention.  If the
PMC prefers one over the other, use it.

> non-on-the-PMC committers are probably going to feel
> that their votes should count -- but they won't.

Nor do they with code, either.  Committers should want to be on the PMC.
IMO, this is an education issue that needs to be better understood across
the ASF, especially as we continue to dismantle the umbrellas that created
the issue.  We want all new projects to start off with the desired approach.

        --- Noel

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