Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

The Incubator continues to see good progress in a number of projects and
their communities, with more projects graduating to TLP status, or to
existing TLPs.

This quarter saw healthy discussion of what constitutes a healthy community.
The issue came up in regard to Derby (the Derby PPMC has exhibited a welcome
response to addressing the issue), but really is generic to all projects,
incubator and otherwise.  As an aside, I try to keep track of recent
Incubator graduates, and am generally pleased with how well they continue to
do after leaving.

Derby is actively trying to expand the number and independence of their
Committers, with an eye towards graduating from the Incubator.

Resource related issues have eased somewhat.  Although, we still lack a
sufficent level of automation, things have improved considerably, due in no
small measure to Roy helping out with mailing lists, David Crossley helping
to keep the web site built, and others contributing their time.

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The list of projects in the Incubator is at  Here are the STATUS reports from the
PPMCs that have sent one in.  Other projects did update their STATUS files
on the aforementioned page.

Status Report from the JDO PPMC

The Apache JDO project is chugging along. The 1.X reference
implementation, API spec (javax.jdo interfaces), and TCK have been
migrated to the ASF subversion repository, and the 2.0 API spec and TCK
are under development. Expert Group communication is being migrated or
mirrored to the ASF mailing lists as much as possible, including the
regular conference call minutes.

Two additional committers, Matthew Adams and Erik Bengtson, have been
added to the project this quarter, in addition to the initial project
committers. Both Matthew and Erik are members of the JSR 243 expert
group, as well.

Status Report from the Nutch PPMC

Nutch is nearly ready to attempt graduation.  Recently we ported our
wiki from Sourceforge, so now the project is entirely hosted at Apache.
  All committers are active.  We disabled several components when we
moved to Apache, due to license compatibility problems, but nearly all
of these have now been resolved.  The Nutch Organization filed a
Software Grant with the Apache Software Foundation, formally giving all
Nutch software to Apache.

Status Report from the Jackrabbit PPMC

Jackrabbit is doing well as a project and is attracting interest
both within other Apache projects (Lenya and Graffito in
particular) as well as from new folks in the Java community.
We added two new committers, Jukka Zitting and Dominique Pfister,
and have received sustained contributions from Serge Huber,
Edgar Poce, Angela Schreiber, Felix Meschberger, and others.

Jackrabbit's only problem right now is continued reliance on
JCP EG private discussions due to the unfinished nature of the
JSR 170 Content Repository for Java Technology API.  JSR 170 is
expected to be submitted for final draft status in early May,
after which all of the discussion can be moved to Apache lists.
We anticipate graduating from Incubator sometime soon after that.

Status Report from the Graffito PPMC

1) Any legal, cross-project or personal issues that still need to be


2) What has been done for incubation since the last report?

* The most important work was made on the Jetspeed 2 integration &
   building some JSR-168 portlets. There is a content tree view, a
   document viewer and an admin browser portlet. Futhermore, we have
   integrate an HTML editor (Kupu).
* Some work has been done for the security management (fine grain
   access control, permission management, JAAS support, ...).
* We have started raising awareness and promoting the project on
   some other Apache and non-Apache lists in order build further
   the community.
* New developers have started collaborating with the core team
   on Graffito work, especially JCR mapping tools.

3) Plans and expectations for the next period?

* Implementing our JCR mapping framework with Jackrabbit.
* XML editor integration.
* A Graffito implementation for the Jetspeed 2 page manager.
* Continue our work on the JSR-168 portlets (search & version management).
* Start a site demo with a Jetspeed integration
* We expect the committer base to expand during next period given the
   current developer participation on the dev mailing-lists.

4) Any recommendations for how incubation could run more smoothly for you?

None so far.

Status Report from the Agila PPMC

Agila is going slower than hoped for various reasons, but recent
addition of the BPEL engine Twister should help.

Matthieu Riou is bringing Twister, and we hope this can rekindle spark
and interest in the combined project.

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