On 4/22/05, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe we should look for an additional metric for community health and
> diversity for next time.  It could be in addition to the "rule of 3",
> but I think this example shows where we can improve things to help
> ensure healthy communities.

I've tried to be clear in my earlier posts that the rule of 3
independent committers was just the absolute minimum.  Graduating
without adhering to this rule would certainly be special treatment,
but there are also other factors to consider...and this is where it
becomes a judgement call.  We've actually already written down some of
the factors:

"The project is not highly dependent on any single contributor
(there's at least 3 legally independent committers..."

but also (the one that I, personally, think is also important)

"...and there is no single company or entity that is vital to the
success of the project)"

It might be hard for some projects to meet this requirement even
within a year or so of incubation; but I think this is where a
judgement call comes into play: does the Incubator PMC feel that it is
not far from getting there and is therefore worth the risk of the
single vital individual/vendor dropping support for the project.


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