-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- The update system Eclipse uses requires stable (unchanging) URLs for the plugins. We'd like to get the Derby plugin for Eclipse into that system, which means we'd like to see about getting a URL which won't change when/if Derby graduates.
There's no issue with maintaining the prominent notices that this isn't an official Apache released package, and tying it into the canonical download tree is clearly not on since that would result in it getting mirrored. But is there a location/URL that we can get that would persist across graduation, with the only visible effect being that the 'not official' notice would change. The alternative of using an i.a.o URL forever, and just redirecting from it to the new actual location after graduation, seems suboptimal. Suggestions? - -- #ken P-)} Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini http://Ken.Coar.Org/ Author, developer, opinionist http://Apache-Server.Com/ "Millennium hand and shrimp!" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iQCVAwUBQeQNL5rNPMCpn3XdAQGCMgP/Q4uH0T4kPbjBSBeV99HpkpuybyF5dC/A MOVHXARDlumKI3rMtVFqkamfp2yzAZdmbHT61RQC18TKcbFxSwEZFf54E939gRr+ in0MOAaUOk/B5+ZODoRdhNgohN/HffqDMFds+IJfzVj7FdApYQkJSWl8CYB6cpUV 0yWKHNe5axg= =/hzl -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]