I would like to observe the quality of participation and constructive exchanges on log4cxx-dev@ is high, probably high enough to make most, if not all, ASF members proud. This member certainly is.

At this juncture I feel that holding off the graduation of log4cxx
would not achieve any useful purpose. Log4cxx presents no IP related
problems. It has survived the temporary departure of its founder. It
enjoys the involvement of an active, independent and healthy community
adhering collaborative and consensual development processes.  It has a
home within Logging Services project which has voted unanimously, less
one abstention, to welcome it. What else could you hope for in an
incubated project?

Happy new year all,

At 01:12 AM 12/28/2004, Ceki Gülcü wrote:


I understand and share your concern but I won't make any empty
promises either.  If the current committers to log4cxx leave, the
Logging PMC is unlikely to be able to take over the code. However,
Curt continues his work on stabilizing the code and migrating log4cxx
to APR.  Given his productivity, chances are good that he'll do an
excellent job.

Having worked closely with Curt in the recent past, (he was recently
voted in as a log4j committer), I am quite confident that he'll slowly
build a robust community around log4cxx.

At 11:57 PM 12/27/2004, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

I have reviewed http://incubator.apache.org/projects/log4cxx.html.  If the
Logging PMC is taking responsibility, collectively, for maintaining this
codebase as part of the overall Logging project, I won't consider the small
number of committers worrisome.

--- Noel

-- Ceki Gülcü

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