Roy T. Fielding wrote: > FYI, I really don't like this trend of independent projects being > created within umbrella projects. If you are creating a generic > toolkit then it should be incubated as a separate project. IMO > there are too many single-developer products being masked under > the Directory umbrella, rather than a coherent group of individuals > working together on a single product
I believe that there are some misunderstandings. There is an architecture for a unified Directory Server. That server is made from a number of components: the core JNDI backend, the local JNDI code, the network support, ASN.1 encoding support, the wire-level protocol handlers, all of whom fit together to build a unified project. LDAP (present), Kerberos (present), DNS (pending), DHCP (pending), CosNaming (proposed) and other directory-dependent wire-level protocols are built to the code JNDI backend, sharing all of the network and backend plumbing, and adding just the pieces for implementing their protocol. All of these services are represented by directory schema on the backend, and common network plumbing on the front. The current best description would be here: e.html The diagram describes the overall server project. As with any good project, a lot of the code written to implement it is potentially reusable, so those pieces have been factored into separate packages, but are still part of the original integrated architecture. The architecture documentation will be revised and moved to top of the site to describe how all of the components fit. The term "sub-projects" should also be dropped in favor of "components." Perhaps in time some of the components will mature and acquire an independent life, but they are all integral parts of the server architecture. It has taken time to get to this point, but we're starting to see a critical mass of technology and people start to come together. We're starting to see users appear on the mailing list, not just developers. And we're starting to see developers coming on board excited about what they can do with the server. Phil Steitz just commented this evening that "I would really like to see a scalable OSS XACML-based auth system and I think eve could do a great job backing the identity store, the policy store and the PEP cache." --- Noel --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]