I am no potential sponsor but would like to see a comparison to Apache Jakarta
Lucene (http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene/docs/index.html) which is implemented
in Java.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 4:04 PM
Subject: Mentor(s) required for a search engine project

I am looking for a Mentor(s) for the following project.
We are developing a new open source search engine provisionally named "Locust"
and are looking for an open source organization to host this project. The main
features of Locust are:
* High performance - about one million documents per day on a Dell PowerEdge
2500 server, index size of up to ten million documents with fast search is
successfully used.
* Integration of full-text search with directory assisted search (Yahoo style)
is built in.
* A multi-threaded Linux application written in C++ with STL.
Locust is based on complete rewriting of another open search engine ASPseek
(http://www.aspseek.org/). The reason for rewriting was a dismal state of
ASPseek code that made it impossible to develop it further. Whoever wrote it
made a very good job on general architecture and features, but had no idea about
software engineering. New code is reasonably clean and modular. Although it
generally mimics the functionality of ASPseek (plus added integration with
directories and better document set selection), it is possible now, due to its
modular structure, to develop the code in many interesting direction, such as
indexing document from different sources (in addition to the Web), creating
distributed search services where many Locust based search engines cooperate via
TCP/IP, etc.

I would be glad to provide more information to potential Mentors.

        Gregory Kozlovsky

Project Manager for Information Systems Tel: +41 (0)1 632 63 70
International Relations and Security Network (ISN) Fax: +41 (0)1 632 14 13
Center for Security Studies Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ETH Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) http://www.isn.ch/
Leonhardshalde 21, ETH-Zentrum / LEH
CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland

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