Michael Wechner wrote:
Scherler, Thorsten wrote:
Forrest is the classical documentation framework that is missing CMS components. Lenya could profit from integrating forrest into itself to the extense that both projects become one!

I don't think this makes sense, because Lenya is not just about
documentation, but on content management in general. I rather think
that Lenya and Forrest should talk about interfaces and common components which would lead to consolidation


If Thorsten were right, Forrest qould have been a subproject of Cocoon...

IMO it would be a better idea for the lenya community to apply for becoming a subproject of forrest rather than to be on their own and looking for apache known names on a initial PMC list.

-1 (from a Forrest PMC member)

Overlap and interdependency from a code point are not valid reasons for mixing diverse communities with different goals.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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