-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Daniel John Debrunner wrote: > > Can someone explain the web-site process? A Derby committer can make > changes to the source pages for the web-site but does not have the > permissions to make them visible on the actual site. Hence the requests > to Ken to 'svn update to make visible'. Is Ken in a committer++ role or > ~ as a committer on the incubator project or something else?
more or less, yes. there are four different kinds of access involved: a) access to the derby site module (svn incubator/derby/site/trunk/) b) access to the incubator module (cvs incubator/) c) access to the incubator site module (cvs incubator-site/) d) access to the web server filesystems there are two places on the incubator site where the derby project has pages: 1. http://incubator.apache.org/derby/ 2. http://incubator.apache.org/projects/derby.html #1 comes from the derby site module, and is quite straightforward: any time someone with [a] access changes the derby site module, someone with [d] access needs to propagate those changes to the web server. #2 is much more complex. someone with [b] access needs to change the derby.cwiki file and generate the pages from it. then someone with [c] access needs to import the generated pages into the incubator-site module. then someone with [d] access needs to update the web server from the incubator-site module. access types [b] and [c] are mostly granted to the members of the incubator project. access type [a] is granted to whomever needs to keep the derby site pages updated. and access type [d] is granted to a less well-defined set of people, such as the infrastructure team and others who need to and are trusted to safely update the web server pages. i have all of these access types: [d] primarily because i've been around a long time at apache and have worn many hats; [b] and [c] because i'm part of the incubator project; and [a] because i'm one of the mentors of the derby project and imported the code and pages before any other derby committers were set up. when derby exits incubation, i expect i will lose access [a] because i will not need it. i hope that description helps.. by the way, i encourage everyone involved with the derby podling to subscribe to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list for the duration of the incubation; just send an empty message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - -- #ken P-)} Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini http://Ken.Coar.Org/ Author, developer, opinionist http://Apache-Server.Com/ "Millennium hand and shrimp!" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iQCVAwUBQTdc1prNPMCpn3XdAQHdqQP/VMpGq/zYqKclNitapwYOLRNdeNdSPIsp WiZUH15cl2HtgOM4PPvrNyPJIuUEtOVzyF8XbARtyFlrcxoa+qiPBMk23kFJ/JbM gTCLe9ACKeCyWF6/m8+3pHstFl7y5wMcC4ez/QhXB0L9rQ4YjZA0Za4/jdRObwLJ hZWrAqab1lM= =wVBk -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]