On Thu, 15 Jul 2004, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

1) What form should this enumeration take?

Something like "the Axion DB software, documentation and other files developed by the Axion Development Team at tigris.org" seems about right.


Would a pointer to the relevant CVS tree suffice?

These documents live longer than the URLs would.

Good point.

A lawyer might nitpick
that a Grant be accompanied by the thing being granted, but I don't believe
we need to require that.

Good, that's sorta what I was afraid of.

We get the code from the contributor, anyway.  We
don't pull it.

Ideally, we'd get something like a tarball of the CVS repository so that we
preserve history, whether it stays in CVS or is converted to Subversion.
Personally, I dislike losing history, although I realize that in some cases
it might be necessary, e.g., a proprietary product that is going open source
*could* have some confidential information in the source control commit
logs, such as customer information.

We don't have direct shell access at Tigris, but Jason (Robbins) has generally been accommodating, so we might be able to do something like that. My intention was to simply layer the tagged releases into the apache tree (e.g., check in M1, then M2, then M3, etc.) which would leave us with only snapshots of the version history, but generally the important snapshots. The intermediate revisions are probably only of academic interest. Of course, this approach is easier in Axion's case because we don't have any significant branches to deal with, it's probably not viable in the general case.

--- Noel

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