On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
Brian Behlendorf wrote:

Anyways, I'll desist on this if it doesn't seem like there's convergence towards something. Like many conversations in the ASF these days the responses strike me more as "here's where you're wrong" rather than a constructive discussion, to which I feel compelled to respond point-by-point (trying to find middle grounds), and I don't have the energy to campaign for something that just seemed like a simple oversight.

sorry if i, at least, have come across this way. let me restate my personal position: i'm fine with 'show us the code before acceptance' being a strong *recommendation*, but not with it being a requirement. and i think the decision about whether or not the code needs to be seen first should be left up to the incubator pmc.

OK, I think this is reasonable. Quibbling about requirement vs. strong suggestion is too minor to bother :)

i don't like ndas on principle, and hope they can be avoided.  however,
if the incubator pmc thinks that's the way to go for a particular
proposal, i think it's their call.  (although i don't promise not to
lobby against it. ;-)

I'd be against it as well, but agree.


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