+1 :>.


Cliff Schmidt wrote:
The XMLBeans project has been actively developed in incubation for about 10 months. During this time, the user and developer community has continued to grow stronger, both in number, diversity, and degree of cooperation. In addition, the XMLBeans project has demonstrated an understanding and application of the legal and logistic measures necessary to protect and enhance the mission of the ASF.

Some examples of this progress can be seen in how XMLBeans has:
- worked with other members of the Apache community,
- brought on new committers, based on the merit of frequent contributions, - been responsive to the user community, - been careful with its handling of the Apache brand (and in fact,
helped to define an appropriate set of restrictions for incubating projects),
- collaboratively created two binary distributions,
- and implemented and made significant decisions through a PPMC.

Therefore, I believe the XMLBeans project has satisfied the requirements of the Apache Incubation process, namely :

  o  does collaborative development according to the ASF's
     philosophy and guidelines

  o  has a codebase that is properly licensed, has clear
     provenance, and conforms to the ASF's legal requirements
     for contributions

(See the status file for the detailed list:

Furthermore, I believe that the Incubator PMC, on behalf of the XMLBeans PPMC and the entire XMLBeans community, should recommend to the Apache Board of Directors to make the XMLBeans project a top-level Apache project.

Note that the XMLBeans project was originally targeted as a subproject of the XML project. However, based on the interests of the XML and the XMLBeans community (in support of the ASF's interest for proper delegation of project oversight from the Board to the PMCs), XMLBeans is now requesting TLP status.

I request that members of the XMLBeans PPMC (which includes the Incubator PMC, the XML PMC, and the XMLBeans PMC committers) please vote :

[ ] +1 - The XMLBeans project has met the requirements
          for incubation and will be recommended to the
          board for TLP status

[ ] -1 - The XMLBeans project as not met the requirements
          for incubation

This vote will run ~96 hours, closing at 23:59 GMT, Tuesday June 22, 2004 (extending to vote due to the weekend, but ending
before the upcoming Board meeting):


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