I've also fixed the log4??? stuff, rebuilt and committed. It should come through to the site soon.
Cheers, Berin
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
I tried to generate the site, and ran into the following:
X [0] projects/log4php BROKEN: No pipeline matched request: projects/site:projects/log4php X [0] projects/xmlbeans.html BROKEN: Couldn't accept input softbreak ["\n"] X [0] projects/log4cxx.html BROKEN: Couldn't accept input hardbreak ["\n\n"] X [0] projects/log4cxx BROKEN: No pipeline matched request: projects/site:projects/log4cxx
I tried one change in xmlbeans.cwiki, but it made no difference. I don't see anything from Cliff's most recent change:
http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/incubator/site/projects/xmlbeans.cwiki?r1= 1.9&r2=1.10&diff_format=h
that should account for the problem.
--- Noel
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