Noel J. Bergman wrote on Sunday, June 13, 2004 4:31 PM:

> Cliff Schmidt wrote:
>> Roy T. Fielding wrote:
>>> Leo Simons wrote:
>>>> [is the rule that a project just needs 3 independent committers, or
>>>> is there an additional rule that no more than 50% of the committers
>>>> must be part of a single company?]
>>>> IIRC that 50% rule applies, but IANAL. Roy, Nicola?
>>> I have no idea where that 50% stuff came from.  The goal of having
>>> at least three independent members of the project PMC (*committers*
>>> has no decison-making role in the foundation, even when committers
>>> == PMC) is to make sure someone is able to veto stuff that would get
>>> us in trouble.  50% would be nice, but not necessary unless we are
>>> talking about the ASF board. 
>>> I don't know if this should even apply to code that is being
>>> inserted into an existing project.
>> XMLBeans has been actively developing in the incubator for 9 months.
>> The project started with three independent committers and has picked
>> up brought on two more from Apache contributors in the last couple
>> months.  However, 55% of the committers are BEA employees, and for
>> that reason alone, XMLBeans has yet to request graduation from
>> the incubator.
> Cliff, what is the current breakdown of the XMLBeans team membership?

6 BEA-employed committers + 5 independent committers - let me know
if you were asking for something else.

> If this "50% rule" is the only thing keeping XMLBeans in the
> Incubator, let's see what we can do about getting you released.
> An obvious question: do you feel that if BEA were to drop XMLBeans
> for some reason, that there is a sufficient independent community to
> continue the project?

I think there is definitely sufficient community interest to keep the
project going; however, it would probably move a lot slower if BEA
were to drop XMLBeans today.  I'd still like to see more non-BEA 
involvement in the future, but the trend is certainly positive.

Of course, I understand why you're asking this question (corporate 
priorities sometimes change; without an independent community, the 
entire project could fail on a change of one company's priorities); 
but just to clarify for anyone concerned with the topic -- BEA has 
absolutely no intention of dropping support of the XMLBeans project.

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