On Wed, 2004-06-09 at 17:51, Leo Simons wrote:
> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> >> Rolf Kulemann wrote:
> >>
> >>> After the vote we have to do many more things like doing the incubator
> >>> request. It would be fine if someone can give me a hint how the requests
> >>> for endorsement and release should look like.
> > 
> > Eh, good question, I've never done it before. Let's ask the incubator PMC.
> (lets try and keep everything incubator-related that doesn't need to be 
> private on [EMAIL PROTECTED] there pleez!)
> See:
> http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html#Exitting+the+Incubator

We did.

> In summary:
> * make sure the incubator statusfile for lenya is up-to-date and all
>    bullets checked;
> * lenya people ask incubator pmc to vote on incubator sign-off on
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED] after gaining internal consensus they're done
>    incubating;
> * if incubator pmc agrees everything is done, lenya and cocoon are
>    notified and take care of all the relevant details (like moving
>    the incubator status file to the appropriate location, updating
>    website, filing infrastructure requests, etc).


> besides the incubator policy docs, you can see application of them to 
> several projects in the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list archives.

I'm sorry, I used eyebrowse, marc and google and could not find any
release requests in general-incubator. Maybe someone on the list can
give me a link?

But I think it is quite clear how to do it. Thanks for the answer.
I was just unsure.

Rolf Kulemann

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