There have counted at least 5 +1s (not counting mine that is ;-)

Therefore I will start the official incubation of Apache Ruper.

This will be the roadmap:

1 - add a status file in the incubator CVS under:
   that will be published here:

2 - add the project to the projects page here:
    that is published here:

3 - follow the items on that list one by one

I have read on this list that there is a will of the Avalon team to collaborate on this. Well, there is also a will of the Ruper developers to collaborate too :-)

As soon as the mailing lists are set up and the initial ruper codebases are in CVS, we can start discussing about it and see what can be done to migrate Avalon repository stuff to Ruper. Ruper already has two layers, Version and Ruper proper (we can call it depot as suggested). We can add a third layer on top for Components. In any case, we'll see later.

Thus I encourage all that are interested in following the advancement of the incubation of Ruper in greater detail, to sign up to the CVS diffs of the incubator site to be notified of changes in the incubation status of Ruper.


Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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