+1 from me. CC'ing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- dims

--- Steve Viens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After some consideration we would like to restate our original request
> for the creation of a juddi-user mailing list. This is how the project
> has been organized for the past 3 years and the current juddi-dev (17)
> and juddi-user (123) subscribers have become comfortable with this
> division. 
> Currently almost all juddi-dev subscribers are also subscribed to
> juddi-user and we expect that to also be the case once a
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" list has been created. We're unconcerned that
> requests for support sent to the juddi-user list will go unanswered by
> Committers since this hasn't been an issue to date (there's no
> precedence for it on our lists).
> I've sent a requst to the contact at the http://marc.theaimsgroup.com
> website requesting that the juddi-dev list be archived. I'll plan to
> request that the juddi-user list be archived as well once it's created.
> Also, if possible we would like messages sent to the juddi-dev and
> juddi-user lists to be archived in The Mail Archive as well
> (http://www.mail-archive.com/). Unfortunately, The Mail Archive will not
> respond to "confirmation requests" so the procedure for doing this is to
> have the list administrator add a subscription for
> Visit http://www.mail-archive.com/faq.html#newlist for more information
> on adding a list to The Mail Archive.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Stein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:12 PM
> Subject: Re: Setup Incubator resources for WS jUDDI Project
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 10:59:29AM -0700, Steve Viens wrote:
> >...
> >   Create jUDDI mailing lists and archives:
> >       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> What is the size of this project's community? For starting communities,
> I disagree with the notion of separating the dev and user groups. I
> think all discussion ought to happen on the dev list, in front of the
> people who are implementing the code. The devs should not be that out of
> touch from their users.
> If the community is already large, and the split is necessary, then
> fine. But the experience on incubated projects has pretty uniformly
> shown that the split is not justified.
> >...
> > Please let me know if the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" list is not  
> >the correct place/mechanism to make these requests.
> Yup, this is the right place. I see that Dims is the shepherd, so he
> will be tracking to make sure that things get done for you.
> However, you should also provide patches to the incubator-site module to
> get the relevant Incubator web pages fixed up properly. And where you
> see other patches about the Incubator process or info or whatever,
> submit those, too. The Incubator site itself needs assistance...
> Cheers,
> -g
> -- 
> Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

Davanum Srinivas - http://webservices.apache.org/~dims/

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