Justin Mason schrieb:
We're requesting your permission to contribute your code to the Apache
Software Foundation.  We're trying to become a part of the ASF and your
okay is needed (or we'll need to remove your code and with nearly 200
individual contributors, we don't look forward to that prospect).  Here's
the form, there's a fax number and address where you can send it:


just returned from holidays. someone obviously removed the fax sheet at this url. could someone please check this?

the url must be okay, it is also listed in the commiters faq:

And if you don't want to contribute your code, just speak up, and we'll
promptly remove it.

(If you didn't contribute code, oops.  Consider it over-attribution
in our record-keeping.)

The long version

The SpamAssassin development team intends to become part of the Apache
Software Foundation <http://www.apache.org/>.  We are now working on the
final steps required before the Apache Software Foundation can approve
our request.

We believe that this transition will benefit the SpamAssassin community in
a variety of ways.  The ASF is a great organization and their philosophy
is very in tune with ours.  They also have the know-how and infrastructure
necessary to help us with various aspects (technical, legal, and so on) of
our project that are difficult in an informal organization such as ours.

To initiate this transition, all the major developers and copyright
holders, including Network Associates, have agreed to license their code
to the ASF.  (Granting copyright is also available as an option, but is
not necessary.)

We now ask the remaining contributors of code to grant similar permission
so that their code contributions can be brought into the new project.
This will require that each of these contributors fill out an Apache
Contributor License Agreement:


If you are a contributor, please fax or mail the contributor license back
to the ASF as per the instructions in the agreement form, **as soon as
possible**. When you send it in, please also notify us at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

I also want to stress that if you are not comfortable having your past
contribution go to the ASF, please speak up and we will immediately honor
your request and remove your code.  Please also feel free to email the ASF
board of directors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> if you feel the need to escalate any
such request.

If you have any other questions, send mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
because we may have accidentally overlooked your code contribution!
Reini Urban

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