Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
Ok, name games aside, I honestly don't know if Ken or Nicola Ken have any
substantively different views on what should happen with Incubator.

From what I gather, Ken Coar is probably the one on the Incubator PMC that has more similar views to mine. On the whole though, there are no real big differences, just normal discussions about practical issues.

What should happen with the Incubator is already decided by the board when they appointed us. We "just" have to make that happen.

I thought the same thing. Also, to tell the truth, I think that in Incubator, there need at least two or three persons who
have real power. (One Chair and two Vice Chair?)

In practice it's the PMC that has the real power. Of course, the chair could, in theory, singlehandedly make decisions, but I doubt that the board will let that happen if not strictly necessary. ;-)

So the chair is also there to ensure that the PMC works collectively, and responds to Apache needs; these are are gather implicitly on the lists, and explicitly by the board, to whom he has to report.

I think that even though one of these three persons will have been
elected as a PMC chair, the rest two should be recommended to become
something special ...

As I see it, this PMC is already composed of /special/ people.


Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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