This doesn't work for me at all, I get "It was no possible to get config
or words to that effect.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Sascha-Matthias Kulawik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 August 2003 07:32
Subject: AW: AW: AW: We want to donate a XML / Cocoon / EJB / WebStart -
based CMS

> >>Cocoon has Lenya (another Cocoon-based CMS) now under 
> incubation as a
> >>subproject, maybe there is overlap and hence a chance for 
> >>collaboration?
> >
> >Yes, your right. But it is a complete different way how it works.
> what is the difference? Is the website being administrated via a Java 
> application
> running on the client (installed via jnlp)?

Yes, right.
Also ConQuest ("my" CMS) is based on J2EE Technology and needs an
Appliation Server because of heavy use of Entity Beans, Session Beans
and MDB's.
There are several points where COnQuest makes a difference.
For example:
You're developing the page on a Developmentserver. If you feel good, you
have the option to deploy the stuff to the Liveserver.
Therefor I have to explain some of ConQuest's basics:
The Webpage is from ground up a normal Tree with one basic startpage for
the navigation.
Every Element underneath this startpage can be an object of type like:
Content-Page, internal Link, external Link, symlink.
Every Content-Page can be one "unit". A "unit" can contain many other
An Editor or Author must have the rights for editing one special unit,
only root-Users can see the full tree of the webpage. This units, where
the editor is responsible for will be shown in a dropdownbox on the top
left corner in the client application.
If the editor accepted the changes made by the author it is possible,
that the editor will create an "edition" for deploying this edition to
the liveserver.
An "edition" is a big XML file, containing all pages, pictures and
documents of ONLY ONE UNIT.
This edition can be deployed on the liveserver, so it contains only one
unit and only this changes who are accepted by the editor - every other
changes, not accepted, aren't published.
If an unit contains units as well, you wonÄt find any page of this units
inside the edition of the parent unit. (There is only one "connector"
inside the edition to know how to "dock on" while deploying).
It is also possible for the editor to take an older edition and set this
active. This can be done on the Live- and on the Developmentserver.



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