I am very interested in participating in the Geronimo project.  I have
previously contributed to the JBoss sources (specifically in the areas
of deployment and XA processing), although my contributions were
relatively minor.  

I would also like some way to follow (and possibly contribute to) the
architectural discussions for Geronimo.  

A couple of questions I have regarding this project are:
1) Will this initially be a fork of JBoss or any other open source
2) Will the project be managed as an integration of many stand-alone
components (Servlet container, EJB container, Tx Processor, JMS server,
JNDI server, etc..)?  I think it would be nice to have a standalone
version of each of these - I have wanted a good open-source JMS
container for a while.

Please let me know how to best help out - without a cvs repository or
mailing list, I'm not sure how to get started :)


Larry Sanderson

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