> Not sure what you meant on the first email by "... add themselves to
> something other than the mailing list ...".

Well, people subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and that's whow
they'll be contacted, so by subscribing they have "added" themselves.
People are leaving requests to be contacted, so I don't know if they realize
that the way they'll be contacted is via e-mail to the list on which they
subscribed.  Besides, sometimes people like to identify themselves, add
something about their background, etc.  So the Wiki is a place to do that
voluntarily.  Some people have more information about themselves, some less.
Mine is on the "less" side.

> do you have suggestions/power to make my messages from either address
> to go to the list or will I have to register from work so I have both
> address in there ?

Ask the list moderator, of which I am not one for this list, to approve your
other address.  Right now e-mail from your non-subscribed address is pending
moderator approval.

        --- Noel

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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