first off all sorry if I break the thread, but I subscibed a few minutes
Let me try to bring light into the wsrp4j proposal confusion:
We intend to donate two projects: pluto and wsrp4j (formally named charon).
pluto is the JSR168 (Portlet spec) reference implementation, wrsp4j is the
implementation of the WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets)
The proposals have been sent to the list 01/23/03.
See: and

Initially the intent was to provide them both to the jakarta project.
When talking to Sam about the donation he pointed out that the WS project
might fit better
for WSRP4J. The wiki proposal hasn't been changed yet to reflect this.
We also proposed to rename charon to wsrp4j on the CharonProposal talk page
and since
there were no objections we did it. However we can talk about it to fit the
community desires.

On the dependencies:
WSRP4J uses the pluto JARs as well as the jakarta-jetspeed-2 project plans
to do.
jakarta-jetspeed-2 is not the ref. impl. as stated in previous mails in
this thread - they depend
on them.
Because of administrative issues pluto needs to come later, and since we
would like to
start the WSRP4J project as early as possible, we planned to donate WSRP4J
with the
pluto JARs included.
Please note: The source code for these JARs will be donated to the pluto
project anyway once
it is accepted. Current plan is to start the pluto project some weeks
We are currently talking to our lawyers to provide an appropriate licence
along with the JARs.
The key point is that we need to "charecterize" the JARs as an
implementation of a non-final
technology (because the JSR168 is not final yet), delivered as-is, for
Since we are no lawyers we have to let them check the conditions first.
We hope to resolve this issue asap.
As you might know jetspeed-2 is already waiting for the JARs.
btw. the Pluto JARs contain already packages named org.apache.pluto.*. This
is because
we intended to start the projects at the same time - know.
Do you see a problem here?

I hope I was able to clarify some issues.


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