The project has voted (18 +1 votes and 1 0 vote, no -1 votes) to sponsor XMLBeans through the incubation process and thence into the XML project.
Ted Leung has volunteered to shepherd XMLBeans through this process on behalf of the xml.apache project (assuming the incubation team is willing to take this on).
Steven put some thoughts together at the base of this e-mail around potential next steps. We're more than happy to be guided by your good selves on how to make this happen, and I'm more than happy to help out on anything necessary on the logistics side.
One question - there were a number of thoughts and caveats raised before and during the vote. Should we (can we?) put something together to document exit criteria from the incubation process?
Cheers, Berin
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [vote] XMLBeans to enter XML incubation [was: Re: Vote for XMLBeans proposal in the XML Project (was RE: Vote for XMLBeans proposal)]
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 12:16:39 +0200
From: Steven Noels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Outerthought
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On 8/07/2003 9:29 Cliff Schmidt wrote:
On behalf of the other committers, I would like to ask the XML PMC to consider accepting XMLBeans into the XML project. We expect to address
any remaining concerns that the community has during the incubation period.
Dear committers,
as outlined in the charter (section 6.2), and in collaboration with the Incubator (
Subject to:
- relicensing of the XMLBeans codebase using the ASL 1.1 license ( - copyright transfer from BEA to the ASF as described in [1] - each initial XMLBeans committer sending in a Contributor's License Agreement ( - furthermore, I would strongly suggest the XMLBeans code should only be moved into Apache CVS once the outstanding LGPL & BEA-licensed code dependency issues have been resolved.
Please cast your vote on the acceptance of the XMLBeans project for incubation in the XML.Apache project:
----------- vote ballot ----------
Name: ________________
[ ] I agree with and support this proposal (+1) [ ] Indifference (-1 < x < +1) [ ] I object and suggest a way to address my reservations (-1)
----------- 8< ----------- 8< ----------- 8< -----------
If the outcome of this vote is positive and CLA forms are collected, work can start on creating the necessary infrastructure resources. I'm on holiday from the 12th until the 26th of July and won't be able to help out coordination-wise, but here's a quick list of the top of my head:
- collection and creation of initial committer accounts, using the following template:
---------------------------------- To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Apache account requests for XMLBeans project incubation
<repeat times="number of committers"> Full name: ... Preferred userid: ... Forwarding email address: ... Unix group: xml </repeat> ----------------------------------
- creation of xml-xmlbeans CVS module - also configure in ViewCVS - commit mails -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - add initial committers to the avail list
- mailing lists: - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - .qmail-xml-xmlbeans-cvs forward to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- list archiving: - mbox -> - Eyebrowse setup
- Bugzilla project creation and set up of notification mails
- grant some committers access to xml-site module for website content
- setup automated checkout of xml-site/targets/xml-beans on daedalus for website (or give someone access to daedalus for manual website publication)
- send a big thank you to infrastructure@
That's about all I can think of ATM.
______________ [1] IIRC, there was a form for this as well, but I cannot locate it anymore
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