Looking at how Lenya is now incubating, here are some notes, that aim to resolve some problems that have arised in incubation.
1. Appointing someone from this PMC to look over a project is a good idea. If I weren't on that list (via gmane in case anyone checks ;-) this PMC would not know how it's going.
2. What about having the incubated project send the incubator PMC monthly status reports of what has happened, and more important, of the things done in the incubation process?
3. We need to make a boilerplate doco for the new incubating projects that clearly states what they have to do for incubation. We have some docs, but a clear mail wil only the things pertaining to them would be nice.
4. Making the incubating project have it's own CVS module is a terrible idea. It gives the incubating project and the new users the idea that the project is already a full-apache project. This is the same problem that had arised on Avalon, where projects that were really sandbox code started appearing in the main excalibur CVS, making users use them as they were properly released, which was not true.
All incubating projects therefore should reside in the incubator module.
I'd also propose that all committers of the sponsoring PMC can have access to it, as well as all the committers from other incubating projects (so they can eventually lend a hand in need).
5. The PMC that has asked for that projects has to cater for it too. There needs to be at least one from that PMC that co-works with the incubator advisor on the project list.
6. Making a separate mailing list right from the start that is in the final destination address is again IMHO not a good idea. I would propose that all incubating projects start de-facto on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] ML, and eventually migrate to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
7. The webpage of teh incubatong project should have the incubator logo and the project one. The final PMC may link to it, and have their logo somewhere else on the page, but not as part of the header.
-- Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] - verba volant, scripta manent - (discussions get forgotten, just code remains) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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