Now that we've reached consensus, the Maven team has written a SuperXMaver plugin, by taking all the best ideas, I mean forking the source code, and refuses to let anyone else commit to the new SuperXMaver features.

Dion I'm glad to see maven covering the important feature of mail harvesting. I don't however see why we can't all work together on it! Or is it Glen? ;-)

For instance, at this very moment I'm working on dumping all of the email addresses on the internet into one big HSSF generated spreadsheet. Unfortuantely this process has required me to comondeer the SETI network and nagoya just for the memory of course.

Expect a Hacking x.y blog [1] entry to follow along with some vicious repartee amongst the various disfunctional personalities.


Community building be damned. It's all about the code. Expect a community-less code dump to occur at regular intervals @ codehaus [4].


When will you guys ever get a clue?

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dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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