On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 07:19:49PM +1100, Jeff Turner wrote:
> Is there then any reason why project can't 'incubate' on non-Apache
> hardware?  Sourceforge?

It doesn't sound as clean, but possibly. I'd be concerned with the oversight
that the Incubator needs to apply while getting everything set up and proper
within the ASF. With it located elsewhere, that becomes a bit more

Call me a -0 on allowing off-site incubation.

> This would remove the most (potentially) unfair aspect of incubation:
> that projects can be rejected, and must then relocate all their
> infrastructure off Apache.

Again, IMO, I don't see the Incubator in the role you're thinking of. If the
Incubator is mostly about logistics rather than evaluation, then there is no
potential for rejection. They simply won't hit the Incubator if there wasn't
a sponsor PMC to say "we'll take them when you're done".


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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