On 24/2/03 23:42, "Nicola Ken Barozzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Pier Fumagalli wrote, On 25/02/2003 0.18:
>> On 24/2/03 23:01, "Nicola Ken Barozzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'm asking the Cocoon PMC to vote for the inclusion of the below
>>> proposed project named Lenya (ex wyona.org) as a Cocoon subproject.
>>> This vote will take place on cocoon-dev where the Cocoon PMC lives.
>>> I'm CCing the incubator list just to notify that we're starting this
>>> vote. When finished, I'll post there the results.
>>> Cocoon PMC members, please state your votes.
>>> Here's mine: +1
>> So, let me get it straight... It will be located in the incubator, as all
>> projects in incubation stage, but it will be responsibility of the Cocoon
>> PMC? 
> Nope.
> The vote is about wanting the project to become part of Cocoon.
> The incubator does not want to *force* subprojects onto projects, so
> if/when the Cocoon PMC accepts it, we will incubate it and hand it to
> Cocoon when it's ok. Of course, the Cocoon project is invited to be pat
> of the incubation.
> If no Apache PMC wants that project as a final destination, we would
> have to evaluate it as a top-level project, which is not the case here,
> or simply as incubating, which can be the case in projects that start in
> Apache and are not well defined enough to apply for inclusion in another
> project.
> We don't want to incubate things we don't know where they will go if we
> can. We need a goal. In this case the goal is to make it go to Cocoon,
> so we need a "go ahead" from the Cocoon PMC.

Ah... Gotcha.. Now I understand how the "incubator" works! :-) Thank you for
the kind explaination...


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