This is a recurring source of confusion as the related specs aren't very
explicit / clear about that. But all example in
https://docs.ogc.org/is/08-085r8/08-085r8.html use
|<gml:offsetVector>0 positive_value</gml:offsetVector>
<gml:offsetVector>negative_value 0</gml:offsetVector> for EPSG:4326, so
at least the behavior of GDAL is consistent with that, and thus I'd tend
to believe your Pleiades images are faulty Rather than hacking the file,
you might try setting the environment variable / configuration option
GDAL_JP2K_ALT_OFFSETVECTOR_ORDER to YES, although I'm not 100% positive
it does the exact switch of coefficients that is needed here... Even |
Le 19/03/2025 à 18:51, Riivo Kolka via gdal-dev a écrit :
I see that gdaljp2metadata.cpp has lots of code for extracting
something useful but I got files that still escape the effort.
Some Pleiades jp2 images that gdalinfo fails to find the
Origin and Pixel Size and reports wrong Corner Coordinates.
gdalinfo only reports (seemingly correct) GeoTransform
I verified that just the order of <gml:offsetVector/>s matter.
If i switch the values inside jp2 <gml:offsetVector/> then gdal detects correct
Origin, Pixel Size and correct Corner Coordinates.
GDAL 3.10.2, released 2025/02/11
Full description in a gist
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