Hi PSC members,

I would like to nominate Michael Smith to become a member of the GDAL Project Steering Committee.


Mike is a long time GDAL power user and contributor/supporter. He is also very active in several other OSGeo projects including as member of the MapServer and PDAL project PSC's and was actually one of the instigators behind the PDAL project, the GDAL of Point Clouds.

Mike has been active on the OSGeo Board since 2014 as treasurer. Given his years of experience with the management of open source projects (and non-coding activities), a side benefit of having him on the GDAL PSC is that he could also help us with managing the sponsorship program and the NumFocus relationship and take some of this operational work off Howard's shoulders.

I start with my +1


Daniel Morissette
Mapgears Inc
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201

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