Any advice on how to pansharpen image space data with RPCs in gdal >= 3.7?? 
Repeating below.

I saw in the migration notes from GDAL 3.6 -> 3.7:

- Pansharpening now requires that panchromatic and multispectral bands have 
valid geotransform (in early versions, it was assumed in the case of missing   
geotransform that they covered the same geospatial extent).  The undocumented 
VRT pansharpened MSShiftX and MSShiftY options (and the  corresponding C++ 
GDALPansharpenOptions::dfMSShiftX and dfMSShiftY members)  have been removed, 
due to using the inverted convention as one would expect,  and being sub-par 
solution compared to using geotransform to correlate pixels  of panchromatic 
and multispectral bands.

Previously, I had been taking a PAN and MS set of images with RPCs and running 
gdal_pansharpen, then copying over the RPCs from the PAN file, then continuing 
on in my workflow. This no long works past GDAL 3.6, so is there a recommended 
workflow for doing this? I've been able to "gdalwarp -rpc" the files prior to 
calling gdal_pansharpen, but i'd like to retain the image in image space with 
RPCs if possible.


From: Joe McGlinchy <>
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2025 10:37
To: <>
Subject: pansharpening on images with RPCs post GDAL 3.6


I saw in the migration notes from GDAL 3.6 -> 3.7:

- Pansharpening now requires that panchromatic and multispectral bands have 
valid geotransform (in early versions, it was assumed in the case of missing   
geotransform that they covered the same geospatial extent).  The undocumented 
VRT pansharpened MSShiftX and MSShiftY options (and the  corresponding C++ 
GDALPansharpenOptions::dfMSShiftX and dfMSShiftY members)  have been removed, 
due to using the inverted convention as one would expect,  and being sub-par 
solution compared to using geotransform to correlate pixels  of panchromatic 
and multispectral bands.

Previously, I had been taking a PAN and MS set of images with RPCs and running 
gdal_pansharpen, then copying over the RPCs from the PAN file, then continuing 
on in my workflow. This no long works past GDAL 3.6, so is there a recommended 
workflow for doing this? I've been able to "gdalwarp -rpc" the files prior to 
calling gdal_pansharpen, but i'd like to retain the image in image space with 
RPCs if possible.

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