Revisiting our geo export options after several years and hit something

Testing with the command-line tools, this works...

ogr2ogr -f "geojson" /vsigzip//path/to/output.geojson.gz <input>

This does not...

ogr2ogr -f "geojson" /vsizip//path/to/ <input>

It spits a ton of errors (attached) and while the zip file is created, it
has no files in it.

Am I doing something silly, or is this a bug?

Does anyone really use or expect individually-zipped GeoJSON files anyway?

This is with GDAL 3.7.3. We are updating to 3.11 so I'll try that too.

Simon Eves
Senior Rendering Engineer
+1 (415) 902-1996
simon.eves@EVESPC2024:~/dumps/exports$ ogr2ogr -f "geojson" 
/vsizip/ states_z.geojson 
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
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ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed
translation of layer states_z (use -skipfailures to skip errors)
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles
ERROR 6: VSIFWriteL() is not supported on main Zip file or closed subfiles

simon.eves@EVESPC2024:~/dumps/exports$ ls -l
total 232
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simon.eves simon.eves 168084 Feb 21 15:01 states_z.geojson
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simon.eves simon.eves     22 Feb 21 15:02

simon.eves@EVESPC2024:~/dumps/exports$ unzip -l 
warning []:  zipfile is empty
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